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Cerebral Palsy - Huron and Perth

Services that provide support, or diagnosis and treatment, for people with cerebral palsy, a congenital movement disorder that affects movement, muscle tone, balance, and posture.

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These services are located outside of Huron and Perth, but provide service to Huron and Perth.
Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy  
4211 Yonge St, Suite 316, Toronto, ON  M2P 2A9
416-244-9686 Add to Clipboard
These services may or may not be regulated in Ontario. Consumer Protection Ontario can help you ask the right questions before you choose a service. If you have a concern or serious complaint about a non-regulated service, visit for further information.

Medical services must be provided by or supervised by a regulated health professional. To confirm whether a regulated health professional is eligible to practice in Ontario, go to the public registry: