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Organization: Custom Orthotics of London  
Phone Numbers: 519-850-4721
Fax: 519-850-1816
Email: office@customorthoticsoflondon.com
Website: www.customorthoticsoflondon.com
240 Richmond St
London, ON
N6B 2H6
Intersection: Richmond St and Horton St E
Location: London (Central)
Hours: Mon 8:30am-6pm * Tue-Fri 8:30am-4pm
Executives: Dawn MacArthur Turner - Owner and Orthotist
Service Description: Custom orthotics and orthopedic bracing, including custom foot, wrist, shoulder, elbow, and spinal and cranial orthotics * custom orthopedic shoes and shoe modifications  * registered Assisted Devices Program vendor

Fees: Set fee * funding may be available through private insurance, VAC or WSIB - inquire for specifics
Application: Call or visit
Languages: English
Area Served:
London and area  

This information was last completely updated on May 5, 2023

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© 2024, SouthWesthealthline.ca

Updated May 5, 2023
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"About Us"
Custom Orthotics of London specializes in both paediatrics and adult populations. A wide range of services including lower extremity, upper extremity and spinal orthotic care. In addition, we specialize in paediatric cranial remoulding helmets for plagiocephaly.